Friday, September 24, 2010

Dave and Busters

haha hehe haha ho love me me but can't you see what i see....

Sorry that was the song I happened to be singing at the moment. If you know what song it is....yeah sad and if you dont then get with the program. Okay so I know its been a while but It's been busy. I mean im in high school and its just busy all the time. Plus my laptop broke so it's been hard to keep up. So today there is no school because of the frederick fair. Yeah we get no school to go to the fair. But Im going to Dave and busters with the C.Y.S Its going to be real fun but we havent left yet. Im in the computer lab...obviously Mabey ill tell you how it goes.

A plus tard!

Friday, July 30, 2010

At the pool

Hey it's me. One thing you probably dont know about me is I go to child youth service, which is known as cys to many kids in the area. You probably don't know what that is so you can just call it teenage daycare.
Me being a teenager myself, I know teenagers are hard to work with. So I feel bad for the councelers. Even though some are really cool, some on the other hand can be a real pain in the a**. It's not that hard to make friends here, there are some cool people, but since your dealing with a bunch of teens, you know there is going to be sarcasm, groups, FACEBOOK, and my personal favorite, the Drama! Yeah there is'nt much drama now because its not in the school year. But trust me, there is a bunch during the year.
Since it's the middle/end of the summer there is a lot more activities to do here. They have different camps, and a buunch of other stuff, This week I am apart one of the many camps: Art. After the class we all have lunch, and then a bunch of us go to the pool. I went to the pool and when I come out of the dressing, public people plus us "kids" Are yelling that there is something brown in the water.......Yeah. Someone pooped in the water. I got so p***** off. I was like "come on" We're supposed to be an example , hey what am i talking about? Responsibilaty is too much to put on teens. I know it was the cys people who had pooped because it was on our side! yuck!!!!! bUT YA we get our own side. It's fun and i felt like ranting because know i am back from the pool and on the computer. I'll keep up on all of us teens here in maryland.

But for today that was:

A day in the life of teenage daycare.